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New Zealand Action on Pre-eclampsia (NZ APEC) is a charitable trust which was set up in 1994 by Wendy Roberts, who suffered severe pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome in her first pregnancy, and Joyce Cowan, who was Wendy's midwife. NZ APEC is dedicated to upholding the legacy which is dedicated to raising awareness of pre-eclampsia in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
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NZ APEC is here to :
•Educate, inform and advise the public and health professionals about the prevalence, nature and risks of pre-eclampsia.
•To campaign for greater public awareness of the disease and for action to improve methods of detection and treatment.
•To provide support for women who have suffered pre-eclampsia, and their families.
•To promote research into the causes of the disease and appropriate screening techniques and treatment methods.

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